HomeFitness8 Effective Exercises to lose stomach fat fast, burn stomach fat

8 Effective Exercises to lose stomach fat fast, burn stomach fat

We always seek to attain an ideal body weight by working hard, but weight loss must not become the one and only way for the regimen of weight loss. Excess body fat often stocks unwanted calories and water, and you may feel that your stomach is not in shape. Fat to a certain amount is essential for providing cushion to organs and absorbing vitamins that are fat-soluble.

People are unhealthy at their home, workplace, and public as well. It has been reported that about 64% do not perform any exercise, compulsively, about 46% admitted that they have a healthy lifestyle and among them, 37% are doing the exercise.

Let get started with “what are the best exercise to lose weight from the stomach at home“.

Best exercises to lose fat from the stomach:

It is better to choose and start with a few exercises that would provide a huge return i.e., more muscles with less injury. Initially, you may start with crunches and afterward, you may go for the following:

  • Climbing stadium stairs:
    Burns stomach fat and tones your thighs, butt, calves, and makes the lower body strength.
  • Burpees:
    Most effectively sheds the belly fat and may help you in losing weight. While doing this exercise you may also assure your cardiovascular fitness.
  • Strength train:
    Weight-lifting makes your muscles toned and also burns the stored calories (For Care Education and Research, 2020).

Exercise to lose fat from the stomach at home:

Well not getting time to move out for exercise? Try it on your own at home as removal of excess unwanted fat is essential for one to stay healthy and active. You may do the following exercises at your home for reducing fat from the stomach:

  1. Crunches (Abdominal, twist, side, reverse, vertical leg, bicycle):
    May help you in burning calories and losing stomach fat. It also makes the lower back strong and minimizes back pain.
  2. Plank: Tones and strengthens body muscles and makes fat reduction from the body easier.
  3. Lunge twist:
    Strengthens lower body and core, and makes blood circulation easier to numerous muscles at a certain time.
  4. Stomach Vacuum:
    Helps you in losing belly fat, and also improves muscle posture and their training as well.

Exercises to lose fat from the stomach and hips:

Once you are getting results from exercises, you might focus on exercises that may assist you in toning your muscles in and around your core and hips.

  1. Squats:
    Targets mostly lower body muscles and create an anabolic muscle building environment within the body.
  2. Side lunge:
    Is a type of forwarding lunge and emphasizes mostly over hip and thigh regions.
  3. Fire hydrants:
    Target’s hip and glutes area, and for stability, it often uses your core muscles.

The best exercise to lose fat from the stomach and thighs:

American Council on Exercise stated that the male body consists of 18-24% fat on an average while females have 25-31%.

Fats are evenly distributed in the whole body yet you may confront some specific areas which could be genetic as well or maybe due to your unhealthy diets.

  1. Performing aerobic exercises like swimming, cycling, etc, at average intensity, maximizes calorie burning and stimulates heart rate. These exercises are of low intensity and enhance the endurance of your muscles at hamstrings, calves, glutes, and quadriceps.
  2. Lunges tones hamstrings and quads, and makes buttocks and inner thighs slim.
    You may also do squats as it covers all the lower body muscles (Healthline, 2020).

Exercise to lose fat from stomach fast:

You might be probably thinking of targeting belly fat but there is no such way as the genetics of your body decides the storage place of body fat. You may perform the following exercises for burning the unwanted fat from your body quickly.

  1. Walking or running:
    Running burns calories more than walking, and these can be the part of training routine as well.
  2. Elliptical trainer:
    Some may lack the strength at joints for them these trainers give a low impact intense cardio workout.
  3. Exercise ball crunch:
    Engages more body muscles and you might require body stabilization for doing this.

Here are few of the frequently asked questions:

Ques. What exercise burns the most belly fat at home?
Ans. Crunches reduce stomach fat and are the most easier exercise that can be performed at home.

Ques. How can you reduce belly fat quickly?
Ans. Doing crunches, aerobic exercises, and planks, and by avoiding consumption of salt and sugar may help you in reducing belly fat quickly. Excess salt intake overrides feeling fullness, and intake of sugary products causes your belly a bulging one.

Ques. What is the best way to reduce belly fat and flatten your stomach?
Ans. Some ways that can be followed for reducing belly fat:

  • Eating foods containing soluble fibers,
  • reducing intake of calorific foods,
  • Performing resistance exercises and high-intensity training
  • Drinking more water,
  • Tracking intake of foods.


I hope you liked Best 8 Effective Exercises to lose stomach fat fast that burn stomach fat information.

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