In her memoir Alyssa Reyans shares her ordeal living with bipolar disorder, stating “Bipolar robs you of that which is you. It can take from you the very core of your being and replace it with something that is completely opposite of who and what you truly are” (Reyans, 2012).
It is estimated that about 46 million people worldwide suffer from bipolar disorder. This is a mental health condition which is characterized by extreme mood swings. It is also among the top three causes of hospital admission in individuals aged 15-44 years old (, 2023b). Bipolar disorder mostly develops in young people with an average age of onset of 25 years. However, it can occur in any individual belonging to any age group. It has been estimated that up to 82.9% of people who have bipolar disorder suffer severe impairment. The chance of suicide in people with bipolar disorder is higher. Studies have shown that up to half of the people diagnosed with bipolar disorder might try suicide. Further, an estimated 11% of bipolar people also die by suicide. Bipolar disorder occurs equally in all genders (, 2023b).
Bipolar disorder Symptoms
It include periods of elevated or irritable mood (mania or hypomania) and periods of low mood (depression). Symptoms of mania or hypomania comprise extremely high self-esteem or grandiosity. It causes reduced need for sleep and talking more than usual (Holland, Raypole, & Sharon, 2023). People suffering from this condition often talk loudly and quickly, get distracted easily and do too many activities at once. They show risky behaviour like spending sprees, substance abuse, hypersexuality and reckless driving, racing thoughts (Holland, Raypole, & Sharon, 2023). During periods of mania or hypomania, a person feels euphoric, energetic and restless, and shows excess irritability. In contrast, symptoms of depression involve feeling depressed most of the day, and loss of interest or pleasure. People having this condition lose or gain significant weight, feel a change in appetite every day. They may also feel very “down,” sad, indifferent, or hopeless (, 2022)
Bipolar disorder in Teens
As per NIMH data, 2.9% of teens globally have bipolar disorder and among them, 2.6% have severe impairment (, 2023b). Teens with bipolar disorder experience extreme highs (manic episodes) and lows (depression) and sometimes a mix of both simultaneously. Bipolar disorder symptoms in teens can come out of the blue and can last several days or weeks (, 2023a)
Symptoms in Females
Globally, 2.6% of females have the problem. In females, it is more likely to cause higher depressive episodes than men. A female while suffering episodes of bipolar disorder, might require hospitalization to help manage symptoms and potential safety concerns. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar II and have more episodes with mixed states and rapid cycling (MacGill, 2023)
Bipolar disorder Causes
Several genetic and environmental factors may contribute to the issue, though the actual causes are unknown. Latest research studies have begun to uncover genetic factors linked and other mental illnesses (, 2023). Research shows, there are higher chances of having the issues if someone in the close family has this illness. This is due to the same genetic variation in close family members (Newman, 2023)
Types of Bipolar disorder
1. Bipolar I: In this case, it involves mania that spans over seven days or is so intense as to necessitate hospitalization. Manic episodes are usually more intense compared to major depression episodes among people with bipolar I disorder. Individuals with the issue may experience mixed states in which they undergo episodes of depression and mania simultaneously (, 2020)
2. Bipolar II : It manifests as recurring incidents of depression and hypomania without the severe mania often seen among bipolar patients
3. Cyclothymic Disorder (Cyclothymia): It exhibits alternating hypomanic symptom episodes lasting about two years or one year, interspersed with depressive episodes. Cyclothymic disorder symptoms do not fulfil the criteria for hypomanic or depressive occurrence (Leonard, 2023)
4. Other Specified and Unspecified and Related Disorders: A further set of bipolar disorder symptoms that do not fit into any of the categories in this definition
5. Rapid Cycling: At least four or more mood episodes occur in a year, defining it (Leonard, 2023)
6. Atypical: The symptoms in this condition are atypical for bipolar I and bipolar II subtypes.
7. Mixed: This condition characterizes the simultaneous coexistence of depressive and manic symptoms
8. Postpartum: The postpartum state is a form that occurs in the female population after giving birth. In this condition, patients have extreme emotional shifts, including both depression and manias (, 2023)
9. Substance-Induced: There are certain substances such as alcohol, cocaine, and amphetamines that can cause substance-induced bipolar disorder. It is difficult to diagnose this category. This is because patients with this condition might show symptoms of other mental illnesses (, 2023)
10. Seasonal: In this form, mood episodes either deteriorate or develop during particular seasons.
Medical professionals diagnose bipolar disorder over time, considering past mood episodes. The bipolar disorder assessment requires comprehensive clinical assessment (Herndon, 2019). It necessitates a cross-sectional evaluation of depressive symptoms. Analysts achieve this by examining the history of manic, hypomanic, and mixed-mood symptoms. Thereby the test often involves physical exams, lab tests, questionnaires, interviews and history taking (Thase et al., 2023)
Bipolar disorder Treatment
One of the first steps in the treatment is to acknowledge you have a problem and seek help. Famous pop star Demi Lovato who struggled with the problem aptly said;
“You don’t have to struggle in silence. You can be un-silent. You can live well with a mental-health condition, as long as you open up to somebody about it. it’s really important you share your experience with people so that you can get the help that you need” (Lovato, 2017).
Treatment involves a combination of at least one mood-stabilizing drug and/or atypical antipsychotic, along with psychotherapy. With proper symptom management and medical treatment, people with the issues can lead full lives (Bressler, 2021).
Understanding the issue is very important for early diagnosis and effective management. If a person or someone they know is experiencing symptoms of bipolar disorder, seek professional help for an accurate assessment.